
Lockdown Review (News, Knowledge and Seminars)

Have we all been living in a crisis for almost 10 weeks now?  I think it’s important we take a moment to reflect on the sheer scale and enormity of what we have and are going through.  Tragedies have spread from family to family, livelihoods have stalled, some of us have not been able to see loved ones and the lack of interaction has certainly been felt in Delta HQ and by our remote working teams.  The term ‘unprecedented’ is by no means understated here, let us hope we never experience this again in our live time or that of our children.

Over the last few weeks there have been no shortage of surprises and curve balls we certainly had not seen coming.  There is no doubting, things and life is hard right now.  But there are some things that are making me smile such as the genuine compassion to COVID-19 I have seen across the Delta community.

Health and well-being are still our top concerns and we are doing all we can to offer support to our employees, customers and the communities we serve.

At Delta HQ we are continuing to follow guidance from the HSE, World Health Organisation (WHO), Public Health England and the Government and constantly adjusting our processes whilst observing social distancing measures.

Delta HQ has certainly seen a change. Whilst the office is still it’s warm and welcoming self, we have some additional precautions added, keeping everyone as safe as we possibly can.

The directors are working hard to keep everyone at Delta safe – please do your bit to help save lives.

Delta News


Firstly, material shortages.  Delta, as with most of the construction sector has been working throughout the coronavirus pandemic.  Whilst there are acknowledged shortages of materials, we are thankful that Delta is well stocked.  We feel truly humbling to assist customers on procuring difficult products during the pandemic.  Please do contact our Technical Team for product and project advice and guidance.

Site Visits

Our Technical Teams are visiting sites, but only on a necessary basis.  We do not want to put our customers or staff members at any unnecessary risk during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are comp

lying with Government guidance and have issued new PPE.

We are exploring virtual site visits (e.g. WhatsApp video calls, Zoom conferences) with customers, where they can show Technical Team members in real time parts of a site the team member needs to see.

Please do keep in contact, we hope we serve you as close to business as normal as we can and where we cannot we are keen to explore and find ways that we can.


All of our Technical team are on hand to assist with specifications, whilst we work remotely, we’re all available via email, phone (whether it be calling, Facetime, Video via WhatsApp or Zoom).

New Products

Our research and development has not stopped, and we’re looking forward to sharing our new product launches with you.  We’ve some great new products in the pipeline.


We have already successfully launched our Tuesday and Thursday’s 11 am seminars – which have had an unprecedented attendance.  We are now looking at ways we can progress this further such as developing other training programmes.  Watch this space!

Social Media

Do keep following us on social media as we post most days on different platforms – we are always mindful that we don’t wish to bombard you with ebulletins, our days are changing drastically from one day to the next.

Keep safe!

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