Women of Waterproofing (“WOW”) Networking Group
Women of Waterproofing (“WOW”) Networking Group

Improving the diversity of the people we employ is important to Delta Membrane Systems Limited. We recognise that it is not only right to ensure that people of all genders and backgrounds are able to access fulfilling careers in the waterproofing sector; but that as a business, we fully reflect the society we serve. As part of Delta Membrane Systems Limited’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, we are working hard to increase…

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Do I really require a Waterproofing Design Specialist?
Do I really require a Waterproofing Design Specialist?

Waterproofing design is a complex task. In short YES! Gone are the days of architects undertaking the role of waterproofing design in a project. Getting the design correct prior to construction will save significant costs!
British Standard 8102:2009 Code of Practice for Protection of Below Ground Structures Against Water from the Ground (BS8102:2009) recommends that every design team/waterproofing project incorporates a…

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Flood Resilience Solutions – time for joined up thinking
Flood Resilience Solutions – time for joined up thinking

Since the BRE’s success at building a flood resilient house, the flood resilience industry has witnessed rapid growth over the last 12 months. The BRE’s Flood Resilient Home was commenced following the “Bonfield Report” or The Property Flood Resilience Action Plan – a plan to enable better uptake of resilience measures for properties at high flood risk. In 2015/16 we experienced the highest rainfall on-record over a single day…

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Women of Waterproofing (WoW) Networking Group
Women of Waterproofing (WoW) Networking Group

Is Waterproofing just for the boys? The simple answer is no. Women make up around 14% of construction professionals within the United Kingdom and this number is set to rise more and more, as women are choosing jobs within the industry. 37% of new entrants into the construction industry are women, proving that this industry is quickly becoming one for the girls, as well as the boys!  Women are looking for…

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