
It is very much business as usual for Delta during these unprecedented of times.

Our teams have been on hand to provide guidance and support throughout the crisis and will remain so, whether online or in accordance with social distancing and HSE guidelines.

We, as with everyone else across the nation were posed for Sunday’s Prime Minster announcement on unveiling ‘conditional plans’ to reopen society.

As we write this blog, we are waiting for further guidance to be published by the Government.

We thought we would share a few updates on how we are managing during this crisis.


Our Live CPD Seminars are proving a great success.  Beyond our expectations!  A massive “Thank you” to all delegates who have attended to date.

We have a planned schedule of seminars for the whole lockdown period, so watch this space.

Have you signed up to our Ebulletin mailing list – to join is easy, just click on the below link and add your details.


Whilst we do not want to bombard your Inbox, at present our ebulletins are a great way of keeping in touch.  We are currently sending weekly ebulletins in relation to upcoming seminars, comprehensive overviews and explanations of best practice and news on the latest techniques in structural waterproofing.


Specifications are an incredibly important part of construction projects.  Specifications must comply with the broad legal obligations and it is equally important that each specification to be drafted by an appropriately skilled person with knowledge of the specific subject matter.  Our Technical Team members are still working incredibly hard to ensure specifications are suitable for each project and delivered in a timely manner.

Best Practice

During lockdown we are continuing to strive in promoting best practice in the industry, and we are surprising ourselves with innovative ways we can develop this remotely on projects.

New Brochures

Our new brochures are slowly coming along, we had anticipated lockdown as being quieter than it is, do not get us wrong, we are delighted to be busy!!  We will be sharing all new company information on our website soon.

From just wanting to keep in touch to advice, we are only a phone call, text message or email away – please do get in contact.

Keep Safe!

Chris, David, Kevin & Brian

Delta Directors

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