Koster Glass Fibre Mesh

Koster Glass Fibre Mesh

Koster Glass Fibre Mesh is a glass silk fabric with extremely high tear resistance; it is resistant to relocation, plasticizer-free, and resistant to alkalis.

Koster Glass Fibre Mesh is a reinforcing fabric for reinforcing coatings e. g. made of Koster KBE Liquid Film, Bikuthan 1C and 2C, Deuxan Professional and 2C, BD 50, Dachflex. The application of Koster Glass Fibre Mesh is predominantly necessary on areas which are exposed to pressurized water and which are in danger of cracking as well as on connections, transitions and fillets.

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Glass Fiber Mesh
  • Reinforcing mesh for liquid applied waterproofing systems
  • Easy application
  • Seamless application
  • Suitable for new construction and repair on existing structures
  • Installed between 1st and 2nd coat applications
  • Once first layer has cured, can be covered with subsequent layers
  • Installed sheets should overlap by at least 5 cm
Product Details
Glass Fibre Mesh
Product Code:
33 cm x 100m DMS 174
100 cm x 100m DMS 188

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